Saturday, October 23, 2010

accent nail

I've been on an accent nail kick...just for fun mostly! I like the uniqueness of wearing 2 different colors that coordinate. So here's another one!

This is OPI's The Color to Watch, and OPI's Lucertenly look Marvelous.
Both from the Swiss Collection.


Friday, October 22, 2010


Today I'm wearing a Hot Topic purple. It doesn't have a name. The only thing I could find online named it purple. So I liked the application, just a tad on the runny side. BUT that brush sucks! It was sooo hard to put the polish on and not get it all over my fingers!

Until next time

Thursday, October 21, 2010

First post!!!

So basically this is going to be my daily log of my different nail looks! I just hope that you guys like it! So here goes nothing!!

To start I'll show you guys what I wore today.
This is inside with flash...

I have on OPI's Suzi Says Fung Shui, and on my ring fingers I wore Bling Dynasty. Both are with CND's sticky base and OPI topcoat. It's 3 coats, I've had it on all day and it's worn really well.
Until next time!